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Thursday, 14 September 2017

Estranged husband in Texas murders his wife and seven of her friends with handgun.

Spencer Hight
Courtesy of the New York Daily News:  

The mother of a woman who was shot dead by her estranged husband in a mass shooting in Texas said he was upset that she was moving on after she filed for divorce. 

Meredith Hight, 27, was hosting a cookout for her friends and colleagues at her home in Plano on Sunday when Spencer James Hight crashed the party and opened fire, killing a total of eight people, police said. Meredith Hight filed for divorce in July and while her husband had moved out months ago, he collected his belongings from the home just days before the shooting, her mother Debbie Lane told WFAA. 

"I think he saw our comfort, ease and happiness and her embracing new life and resented it to the maximum and responded the way he did,” Lane told the local news station.

Hight was killed by the police officer who responded to the call of a shooting. 

As you can probably guess Hight had been violent toward his former ex-wife, though she did not report this to the police, and he had a problem with alcohol.

The argument can be made that this man could have killed his wife with a number of weapons that would not have included a gun, but to kill eight people, five of them grown men, that requires an instrument specifically designed to take multiple lives. 

Once again these weapons are advertised as tools with which to protect yourself and your family, but in the vast majority of the cases, if used at all it is to cause harm to yourself, your family, or other innocent people.


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