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Thursday, 11 August 2016

Thanks to Donald Trump the RNC is seeing a flood of staffers leaving the organization.

So go already. Who needs you?
Courtesy of Politico: 

The Republican National Committee has seen a spate of departures in recent months related to its embrace of Donald Trump, whom some former staffers felt uncomfortable supporting. 

In recent months, deputy press secretary James Hewitt, spokesman Fred Brown, director of Hispanic media Ruth Guerra, and research analysts Lars Trautman and Colin Spence have all left the RNC with Trump as one of the reasons for their resignations, according to sources familiar with their decisions. At least three other staff members have also left the RNC with opposition to Trump as a contributing factor, according to multiple sources. 

In total, at least 11 staffers have left the RNC since March, although not all of the departures were related to Trump. 

In interviews, others cited familiar reasons for their resistance to the nominee – that they couldn’t work to help elect a man they thought was not qualified to be president; that Trump’s insensitive statements turned them against him; that he wasn’t conservative enough. Some also said they worried about the stain that working to elect Trump could have on their resume. 

So the remaining RNC staffers with any integrity are now heading for the door, just more great news for the Republican party. 

Remember those rumors early on that Doanld Trump was a Democratic plant chosen to help destroy the Republican party?

Yeah, well if I were a Republican I might be seriously reconsidering that conspiracy theory.


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