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Thursday, 11 August 2016

More bad news for Chris Christie.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

WNYC reporter Matt Katz points out that newly filed court documents show that Christie aide Christina Genovese Renna was sending text messages to Christie attorney Mark Sheridan during a 2013 press conference on the “Bridgegate” controversy. 

In a particularly damning set of exchanges, Renna tells Sheridan that their boss completely lied to the media while answering a question about whether his campaign manager Bill Stepien had any knowledge of the George Washington Bridge lane closures that Christie aides coordinated to punish the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing their boss during his 2013 reelection bid. 

“Are you listening? He just flat out lied about senior staff and Stepien not being involved,” she said, referring to Christie’s campaign manager Bill Stepien.

Renna then goes on to openly worry about what happens if the e-mails get subpoenaed.

Yeah, that would be terrible wouldn't it?

I have to admit that I almost forgot all about Bridge-gate after watching Christie degrading himself in order to ingratiate himself with Donald Trump.

Oh God, what have I done?
Let's face it, after the last five or six months that Christie has had he might actually be looking forward to some quiet time in prison. 


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