Courtesy of The Hill:.@DLoesch has a message for the @nytimes: “We're coming for you.” One— NRATV (@NRATV) August 3, 2017
non-#fakenews story is not enough. #NRA #ClenchedFistofTruth
Conservative political pundit and National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch took on The New York Times in a video posted by the NRA on Friday in which she says "we're coming for you."
"We've had it with your constant protection of your Democrat overlords, your refusal to acknowledge any truth that upsets the fragile construct that you believe is real life," Loesch told the Times in the video.
"And we've had it with your pretentious, tone-deaf assertion that you are in any way truth or fact-based journalism," Loesch continued.
"Consider this the shot across your proverbial bow. We're going to fist the New York Times and find out just what deep rich means to this old gray hag. This untrustworthy, dishonest rag that has subsisted on the welfare of mediocrity for one, two, three more decades?
"We're going to laser-focus on your so-called 'honest pursuit of truth.' In short, we're coming for you," Loesch said in the video.
Uhhh, so is the NRA threatening the new York Times with violence, of some kind of super aggressive sex play.
As you know I am just an innocent from up North, but isn't "fisting" something that should only take place between two consenting adults, and not inflicted on another person as a form of punishment? #Askingforafriend.
As it turns out, thanks to Dana Loesh's killer spokesperson skills, I, like many others, misheard Loesch who now claims that what she said was, "We're going to FISK the New York Times."
She later took to Twitter to defend herself.
What’s more embarrassing: A hack reporter & acolytes who don’t know what “fisk” means or a hack who apparently thinks about “fisting?” Geez.— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 4, 2017
Okay well I am fairly well read, and pride myself on having a rather extensive vocabulary, and I have NEVER heard the word "fisk" before.For the people whose parents didn’t love them enough to buy them Hooked on Phonics as kids:— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 4, 2017
So I guess I will leave it up to each of you to decide whether or not Dana Loesch offered to sexually gratify the staff of the New York Times, or whether she is simply making up her own batshit crazy vocabulary as she goes along.