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Tuesday, 1 August 2017

New lawsuit claims that Donald Trump worked with Fox News to concoct story that Hillary Clinton had DNC staffer murdered.

That guy on the left is Jay Sekulow, Trump's attorney.
Courtesy of Bloomberg: 

President Donald Trump collaborated with Fox News to concoct a story claiming a Democratic National Committee staffer was killed in retaliation for furnishing information damaging to Hillary Clinton to Wikileaks, according to a lawsuit by a private investigator for the slain man’s family.

Rod Wheeler -- the investigator, a former Washington police detective, and an occasional Fox News contributor -- claims in his lawsuit that the president read the Fox story before it was published and suggested the insertion of quotes falsely attributed to Wheeler supporting the story’s premise. Trump wanted the story published to divert attention from the widening investigation into his campaign’s ties to Russia, Wheeler claims.

The complaint’s first paragraph includes screen shot of a May 14 text message to Wheeler from another Fox News contributor that reads: “Not to add any more pressure but the president just read the article. He wants the article out immediately. It’s now all up to you. but don’t feel the pressure." 

Seth Rich was killed on a Washington street in the middle of the night last year. The crime remains unsolved. The story was published on May 16 and later retracted by the network, according to the complaint. 

Fox News didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment.

Actually Fox just released a statement essentially saying that nothing about this reporting is untruthful.  In other words they are admitting it.

So just mull that over in your mind a little.

Donald Trump worked with is propaganda outlet, Fox News, to frame Hillary Clinton and the DNC for murder.

And the really troubling part is.....I'm not surprised.

Nor am I surprised by this:
There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that these people are unwilling to do to gain, or retain, power.


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