Courtesy of the Washington Times:
The movement is called “Bernie or Bust,” and it means just that: If Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont loses the Democratic presidential nomination, a group of his supporters will either write in his name in the general election or consider casting their ballot for a Republican.
The one thing they certainly won’t do: Vote for Hillary Clinton.
More than 50,000 people already have signed up at the Revolt Against Plutocracy, pledging to vote for the Green Party candidate in the general election or write in Mr. Sanders’ name if Mrs. Clinton wins the Democratic nomination. Other groups, such as Grassroots Action for Bernie, are taking to social media, using Facebook and Twitter to try to get the “Bernieorbust” hashtag trending.
Even Sanders supporters not tied to the movement, or unaware of its existence, seem to agree with its principles, making one thing clear: The Democratic National Committee and Mrs. Clinton will have a hard time attracting many of Mr. Sanders’ voters.
Okay keep in mind that the Washington Times is the paper owned by Sun Myung Moon, so everything they write must be taken with a giant gran of salt.
However the paper is not the only place reporting this.
Of course in my opinion these are the actions of petulant children who do not see the big picture, and are simply going to take their ball, or in this case vote, and go cry in their room because they are not getting their way.
And that is not all that they are doing.
Check this out:
More than 45,000 people have signed a petition calling for the arrest and prosecution of former President Bill Clinton for what they alleged were violations of Massachusetts election laws — even though state officials have said he acted legally.
Leading up to his wife's victory over U.S. Sen Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the Massachusetts primary on Tuesday, the former president went inside a polling station in Boston, according to multiple reports. Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state and senator, won by about 17,000 votes, according to NBC News.
Bill Clinton talked with poll workers and took a photo with a woman at the Holy Name Parish School's gymnasium in West Roxbury, The Boston Globe reported, citing press pool reports. The petition, posted on, charges that Bill Clinton made a "clear, knowing and egregious violation of the campaign laws to swing an election in a significant way."
Now poll workers were warned in advance of President Clinton's visit, and election officials say he did nothing wrong, and yet 45,000 petition signers want him arrested and thrown in jail.
Do they REALLY think that his appearance at polling places stole Massachusetts from Bernie?
I am beginning to think that a whole lot of these so-called "Bernie Bros" are in fact conservatives masquerading as supporters in order to level misogynistic, and hate filled, attacks from what would be to them enemy lines.
At least I hope that's the case.
Because if not, then Bernie's support seems essentially to be made up of thin skinned crybabies who could never be counted on to show up at the polls in November in the first place.
The movement is called “Bernie or Bust,” and it means just that: If Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont loses the Democratic presidential nomination, a group of his supporters will either write in his name in the general election or consider casting their ballot for a Republican.
The one thing they certainly won’t do: Vote for Hillary Clinton.
More than 50,000 people already have signed up at the Revolt Against Plutocracy, pledging to vote for the Green Party candidate in the general election or write in Mr. Sanders’ name if Mrs. Clinton wins the Democratic nomination. Other groups, such as Grassroots Action for Bernie, are taking to social media, using Facebook and Twitter to try to get the “Bernieorbust” hashtag trending.
Even Sanders supporters not tied to the movement, or unaware of its existence, seem to agree with its principles, making one thing clear: The Democratic National Committee and Mrs. Clinton will have a hard time attracting many of Mr. Sanders’ voters.
Okay keep in mind that the Washington Times is the paper owned by Sun Myung Moon, so everything they write must be taken with a giant gran of salt.
However the paper is not the only place reporting this.
Of course in my opinion these are the actions of petulant children who do not see the big picture, and are simply going to take their ball, or in this case vote, and go cry in their room because they are not getting their way.
And that is not all that they are doing.
Check this out:
More than 45,000 people have signed a petition calling for the arrest and prosecution of former President Bill Clinton for what they alleged were violations of Massachusetts election laws — even though state officials have said he acted legally.
Leading up to his wife's victory over U.S. Sen Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the Massachusetts primary on Tuesday, the former president went inside a polling station in Boston, according to multiple reports. Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state and senator, won by about 17,000 votes, according to NBC News.
Bill Clinton talked with poll workers and took a photo with a woman at the Holy Name Parish School's gymnasium in West Roxbury, The Boston Globe reported, citing press pool reports. The petition, posted on, charges that Bill Clinton made a "clear, knowing and egregious violation of the campaign laws to swing an election in a significant way."
Now poll workers were warned in advance of President Clinton's visit, and election officials say he did nothing wrong, and yet 45,000 petition signers want him arrested and thrown in jail.
Do they REALLY think that his appearance at polling places stole Massachusetts from Bernie?
I am beginning to think that a whole lot of these so-called "Bernie Bros" are in fact conservatives masquerading as supporters in order to level misogynistic, and hate filled, attacks from what would be to them enemy lines.
At least I hope that's the case.
Because if not, then Bernie's support seems essentially to be made up of thin skinned crybabies who could never be counted on to show up at the polls in November in the first place.