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Thursday, 3 March 2016

Bristol Palin's ghostwriter, Nancy French, jumps on the "#NeverTrump" bandwagon. Can you say "Awkward?"

Courtesy of the blog that Nancy French writes as herself, Nancy French:  

My husband David and I have been pretty politically involved for many years. If you know us personally, you have suffered through eight years of fervent Romney advocacy in which we discussed ad infinitum his various strengths. It’s been a liberating to be a free agent during this Presidential election. I told myself that I didn’t care as much, that I didn’t have to get involved. Not after eight years of futility. However, this race demands people take action. 2016 is not a time for fence sitting, no matter how fatigued by politics I may be. 

David, as you know, writes for National Review. For the past few weeks, he’s been on a mission — to stop Trump’s momentum. This has caused us to be targeted by vile anti-Trump supporters (who point out our daughter’s race — she’s from Africa — and who insult us personally). Though most Trump supporters are good, hard working folks who are simply sick of the overreaching government, these online supporters have a tone of racism that I can’t ignore. However, I won’t let them silence me. David used to believe he’d support the eventual GOP nominee no matter who was chosen. Today, he wrote that he was wrong. He will not support Trump, no matter what.

With that French essentially announces that she too cannot support Trump, and will work to deny him the nomination.

I know many of my dear friends love and support Trump, so this political divide has caused me much personal pain. However, now is not the time for fence-sitting.

Well of course one of those "dear friends," and consistent source of revenue, is Sarah Palin who hired French to make her daughter appear to be more than a round heels simpleton, whose legs are in the air more often than an Olympic gymnast's.

Palin, as we know, is an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, and she has been paying French to make it appear that her ditsy daughter is shaking her pom poms right beside her.

Which she did just the other day: 

Happy Super Tuesday, America! 

Alaskans – get out and vote. Click here to find out how and where. 

P.S. – I’m voting for Trump. We need a commonsense conservative who doesn’t have a hidden agenda to bring to Washington.

Oh yeah, THAT must have been tough for her to write.

Personally I have wondered how French hung in this long. I mean here she is wearing her best Bristol Palin wig and typing up pro-life and Christian saturated blog posts, while Bristol is out getting into drunken fistfights and allowing men to whom she is not married knock her up.

But I have to wonder if THIS might be the straw that broke the camel toe's back.

I mean it is one thing to help the Grizzled Mama pretend that her daughter is not a gin soaked good time Sally, but this is Donald "freaking" Trump we are talking about.

Clearly Nancy French's integrity is up for sale, but is she really willing to sell out her country for a handful of SarahPAC dollars?


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