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Saturday, 1 July 2017

Donald Trump melting down on Twitter? Must be Saturday.

Okay these are really all over the place so I will just present them one at a time, since their does not seem to be a unifying theme.
Or perhaps MSNBC just insisted on journalist standards that Greta simply could not meet.
What are they hiding? Well perhaps the personal information of their citizens, so that it cannot be weaponized against them.

How about that?
I have my own issues with CNN, but they most certainly have NOT been exposed as "fake news."

The only people who believe this are the extreme Right Wing who have never really watched CNN in the first place.
Yeah not "bad people," just dumb and crazy.

Considering the source they should take this as a compliment.

You know speaking of dumb apparently European intelligence agents don't have much confidence that Trump has the brain power to deal with Vladimir Putin during their upcoming meeting.

Courtesy of the Daily Beast:  

Moscow believes its leader, ex-spy master Vladimir Putin, can extract major concessions from President Donald Trump when the two meet for the first time next week, European officials tell The Daily Beast. 

The officials say their intelligence indicates Putin thinks he can outmaneuver Trump at the G-20 summit, playing on promises of cooperation on areas like counterterrorism to win concessions like a reduction in the raft of sanctions against Russia. 

“When you meet Russia, don’t give anything away for free,” one Western official warned, echoing the fears of many European diplomats ahead of next week’s Trump-Putin meeting on the fringes of the G-20 in Germany. 

Their misgivings highlight concern that Trump’s inexperience and Putin’s ability to flatter will slowly degrade the U.S. alliance with Europe over time, and boost Moscow back to near-superpower status while extracting no changes to its aggressive, expansionist behavior.

I think it is blatantly obvious that Trump has been compromised by Putin, and I have no confidence that Trump will even bring up the fact that Russia hacked our election.

I'm just worried that by the end of the meeting Trump will have unconditionally surrendered the country to Putin. 

Assuming of course that he has not already done that.


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