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Saturday, 1 July 2017

Oregon county Republican party to use militia members for security, because nothing can go wrong there.

Courtesy of The Portland Mercury:  

The Multnomah County Republican Party (MCRP) has formally decided to pair up with right-wing militia groups to run security at local events. 

The formal resolution was passed on on Monday and its text was leaked to the Mercury Friday morning. MCRP Chairman James Buchal, despite being displeased with the leak, confirmed his group approved pairing up with the Oregon Three Percenters and Oath Keepers via a resolution earlier this week: 

Proposed Resolution of Chairman Buchal: Resolve that the MCRP may utilize volunteers from the Oregon Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, and other security groups. To provide security where such volunteers are certified to provide private security service by the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training. Kay Bridges moved and Janice Dysinger seconded. Resolution passed. 

Such arrangements have already caused uproar. At the June 4 rally, a militia member was spotted helping a federal cop detain and arrest a protester. The Department of Justice announced it would investigate the incident. 

Militia groups have also previously volunteered as security at pro-Donald Trump rallies in Lake Oswego in March and at Patriot Prayer's Vancouver, WA, rally in April. 

Sure nothing like having a bunch of Rambo wannabes running around with automatic weapons, to "keep the peace."

Perfectly safe, if you're not an immigrant, Muslim, or minority that is.

The Chairman of the Multnomah County Republican Party cannot understand what all of the fuss is about:

"I don't understand how it's a whole hell of a lot different than rich people hiring private security guards," explained Buchal about the volunteer militias. "I don't understand why it's so different."

Well maybe it's due to the fact that typically private security personnel are ex-cops, or ex-military, with years of training who are not spending their weekends dressing up like GI Joe and pretending to kill Nazis, ISIS terrorists, or, in more southern states, union soldiers.

I'm just saying.


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