So from what I can gather this is Dakota and Bristol doing the whole "pretend not to hate each other for the sake of the kids" thing for the Easter holiday.
I've been there.
I am not a body language expert but if Bristol and Dakota were any further apart one of them would not even be in this photo.
It seems to me that Tripp is finishing out the school year in Texas, but I do not know what that means for him going forward.
Bristol however is likely stuck there at least until after the divorce, at which time she will have to decide if she wants to do the long distance parenting thing, or suck it up and stay in a state where she has limited friends and no family.
As for Track Palin, well his hearing has been reset or continued six times now starting way back in January, and the current date is set for May 5th.
In the meantime Track is under house arrest and all of this guns have been taken away.
So I am sure he is having plenty of time to contemplate his actions.
Who are we kidding? He is likely blaming his parents, blaming his exes, and blaming God.
Track is not an introspective person.
I've been there.
I am not a body language expert but if Bristol and Dakota were any further apart one of them would not even be in this photo.
It seems to me that Tripp is finishing out the school year in Texas, but I do not know what that means for him going forward.
Bristol however is likely stuck there at least until after the divorce, at which time she will have to decide if she wants to do the long distance parenting thing, or suck it up and stay in a state where she has limited friends and no family.
As for Track Palin, well his hearing has been reset or continued six times now starting way back in January, and the current date is set for May 5th.
In the meantime Track is under house arrest and all of this guns have been taken away.
So I am sure he is having plenty of time to contemplate his actions.
Who are we kidding? He is likely blaming his parents, blaming his exes, and blaming God.
Track is not an introspective person.