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Friday, 9 June 2017

So Trey "Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi" Gowdy may soon be in charge of the House Oversight Committee which is looking into Russia's interference with our last election.

Oh yeah, the glasses help.
Courtesy of Politico:

The Republican Steering Committee on Thursday backed Rep. Trey Gowdy to become the next chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. 

The move — if confirmed by the full Republican Conference — would put the South Carolina Republican at the helm of a contentious probe into President Donald Trump's decision to fire FBI Director James Comey. Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, is known for chairing the House Benghazi investigation and has also been a leading member of the Intelligence Committee’s probe of Moscow’s interference in the 2016 election. 

Gowdy would replace outgoing Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), who will resign at the end of June.

As you may remember Gowdy was tenacious, and also incompetent, during his investigation into Benghazi. 

If he were to even demonstrate a fraction of that kind of aggression in investigating this Russia hacking thing I would predict that he would become a Donald Trump Twitter target.

However what are the chances of that really?

I doubt very seriously that Gowdy wants to do anything of substance which might undermine Trump's election night victory, and that will only change if it becomes clear that Trump is doomed and that political survival means standing against him rather than standing with him.


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