So that was Palin's tweet today which linked back to her crappy websites to overladen with advertising that you can barely locate the content. (And then once you do you wish you had stopped at the advertisement for "Thinner Thighs in Ten Days.")Great job Bristol!— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) June 4, 2017
However if you visit Bristol's ghostwritten blog (A place I visit so rarely these days I had to follow a trail of dried up breadcrumbs to locate it again.) you will find a cobbled together post attacking Kathy Griffin for her Donald Trump's severed head imagery, with several shots at Levi Johnston just for shits and giggles.
It reads like the Facebook post of a woman who has waited years to finally get back at the woman who stole her boyfriend and made her feel worthless and alone.
(Actually the weren't ever really dating, it was all for show, though apparently Levi never clued Bristol in on the ruse.)Always remember, Kathy Griffin and Levi Johnston dated. #TheWorldIsDarkerThanYouKnow— Charlotte Is Chic (@CharlotteIsChic) April 26, 2012
At the end of this rant Bristol's ghostwriter adds this:
Her jokes have never been funny to me.. probably because the only ones I’ve ever heard – have been directed at me or my family. (Well of course, the Palins rarely care about anything that does not effect them directly.)
I’m with the rest of the world on her recent photo school, and can’t believe a grown woman would pose like she did – she really does look like the photos you see of Isis Terrorists – and now she’s trying to play some role of a victim? Blaming white men?? I don’t get how you can even try to turn the tables on this one. Our president didn’t break you; you broke yourself, and you’re continuing to break any sort of “comedic career” by blaming everyone else.
Kathy Griffin ain’t nooooo freaking victim in my eyes.
I actually understand this ghostwriter's phony sentiment since it echoes my very real sentiment concerning the constant victim playing of the Palin clan.
For the entire nine years I have been covering them they have constantly whined about stalkers, liberals, ex-boyfriends, the "lamesteam media," comedians, talk show hosts, book authors, bloggers, etc., etc., etc..
So for the Palin clan (And their ghostwriters.) to call out a comedian for playing the victim is laugh out loud funny.
As is the idea that Sarah Palin's ghostwriter just authored a post, congratulating Bristol Palin's ghostwriter, for ghostwriting an attack on one of their many, many enemies.
It is almost as bizarre as congratulating a woman for giving birth to a child that she simply adopted.