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Sunday, 4 June 2017

Young Turks reporter has meltdown because elderly Congresswoman brushed his microphone out of her face.

Yes THAT is the horrendous attack that poor little Michael Tracey suffered at the hands of big mean Maxine Waters.

Here is more courtesy of Raw Story: 

Saturday evening, “Young Turks” reporter Michael Tracey tweeted that Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) “shoved” him after a testy exchange in Los Angeles.

“Members of Congress shouldn’t be initiating unwanted physical contact with reporters,” he fumed, in an apparent reference to the vicious attack on Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs by Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte, which left Jacobs injured and his glasses smashed. 

Tracey said that he asked the 78-year-old Waters two questions after a “March for Truth” event. 

“(S)he became agitated, stormed off, and ‘shoved’ my arm,” he fumed, going on to say that while the move wasn’t “excessively violent,” it was “unwanted physical contact.” 

He said that while he doesn’t want to argue “semantics,” the incident “shows Waters to be erratic, intemperate, and unprofessional.”

For one thing anybody attempting to compare this, in any way, to the Ben Jacobs body slamming is really demonstrating a pathetic cry for attention.

Congresswoman Maxine Waters is a tiny little woman, I doubt she could inflict any serious harm even if that were her intent.

Which clearly it was not.

The response from Twitter was quick and unsparing.

I have essentially ignored The Young Turks since the election, so I had no idea that they had become quite so pathetic.

I can only imagine how much worse this would have been for this delicate flower if he had actually had physical contact with Greg "I'll body slam ya" Gianforte.


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