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Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Christopher Steele, the former MI-6 agent behind that infamous Russian dossier, resurfaces.

Courtesy of Belfast Telegraph: 

Christopher Steele, 52, who runs London-based Orbis Business Intelligence, said he was returning to work and thanked people for their support.

Speaking outside his firm's offices in Belgravia, the former MI6 agent told the Press Association: "I'm really pleased to be back here working again at the Orbis's offices in London today. 

"I'm now going to be focusing my efforts on supporting the broader interests of our company here. 

"I'd like to say a warm thank you to everyone who sent me kind messages and support over the last few weeks. 

"Just to add, I won't be making any further statements or comments at this time." 

Mr Steele, who was forced into hiding when he was named in January, read a prepared statement and did not wish to answer any further questions.

Okay first off I just hope this guy has the best security that money can buy, which should include a food taster, and a bullet proof car.

Secondly I hope that his silence is only temporary and that he does intend to speak at some point very soon.

And thirdly I hope that some of those folks he plans to talk to include American intelligence agencies and possibly one or more our journalists (Rachel Maddow).

Speaking of Maddow this was how she covered this news last night. 

I agree with Rachel, we need to hear this man's story.


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