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Tuesday, 16 May 2017

So do all Trump supporters secretly want to bang their daughters? Because that might explain some things.

So that was posted by Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's lawyer.

I assume I do not have to point out just how creepy that is.

However some on Cohen's Twitter feed took it upon themselves to do just that.
This put Cohen on the defensive, and he tweeted a response.
Okay well I just threw up in my mouth a little.

There were a couple more exchanges with Cohen becoming increasingly angry and defensive. 

Of course the immediate thing that jumps to mind is Donald Trump's ultra creepy relationship with his own daughter.

But I also thought about those bizarre purity balls where conservative Christian dads dress up their daughters in slinky gowns and parade them around in front of other dads, as if to say "Look how fuckable MY daughter is."

Now if you will excuse me, I have to shower. Until the hot water runs out completely.


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