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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Bernie Sanders just continues to make friends.

Perhaps his aides neglected to tell Bernie that the Democrats are typically pro-LGBT.

In other news it appears that Sanders is still trying to stack the deck in his favor at the convention.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Sanders’ campaign requested that Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy and former Rep. Barney Frank (Mass.) be removed from their respective positions on the Platform Committee and the Rules Committee. Both have endorsed Clinton. 

“Both Governor Malloy and Mr. Frank (the “Chairs”) have been harsh, vocal critics of Senator Sanders, and equally active supporters of his challenger, Hillary Clinton,” Brad Deutsch, a Sanders campaign lawyer, wrote to the DNC’s rules and bylaws committee in a letter obtained by Politico. “Governor Malloy and Mr. Frank have both been aggressive attack surrogates for the Clinton campaign. Their criticisms of Senator Sanders have gone beyond dispassionate ideological disagreement and have exposed a deeper professional, political and personal hostility toward the Senator and his Campaign.” 

“The Chairs therefore cannot be relied upon to perform their Convention duties fairly and capably while laboring under such deeply held bias,” the letter says.

Yes let's remove any Democrat who might support the Democratic candidate with the most votes going into the convention, because that might be unfair to the guy losing the nomination.

Of course the point of this is to preemptively cast doubt in the minds of Bernie Bros that the system is rigged so that when Sanders fails to win the nomination they can cry foul and then stream into the streets of Philadelphia angry and pissed off at the "establishment."

What a great idea THAT is.

You know when I first heard Sanders talking about a revolution I simply thought he wanted to alter the political landscape a little, but now it appears that he means a full on, turning over cop cars in the street, storm the Bastille, off with their heads, revolution.

And that is just fucked up. 


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