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Sunday, 29 May 2016

Senator Dianne Feinstein on Clinton e-mail controversy: "Enough is enough!"

Courtesy of Mediaite:

In an interview with ABC’s This Week that aired Sunday, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein dismissed the controversy over Hillary Clinton‘s use of a private email server, saying, “enough is enough,” and encouraging voters to deal with more pressing issues facing the country. 

HC broke no law. I read all 42 pages of the report. The conclusion of the report does not say that. What it does say is that the [State] Department does not handle these electronic platform operations well.” 

She continued: “I mean, what do people want? This goes on and on and on. We’re reaching the final stages of a primary. Hillary Clinton is going to win this primary. I say enough is enough. Let’s get to the major problems facing this nation.”

Finally somebody said this out loud.

This thing has gone on for far too long and when all is said and done it is all going to be a huge disappointment for the Bernie Bros and the Right Wing conspiracy fanatics who have been masturbating themselves to sleep over the possibility of a Clinton going to prison for over three decades now.

First it was Whitewater, which nobody even understands.

Then the Clintons supposedly killed Vince Foster.

Then we heard Hillary allowed four Americans to be killed in Benghazi while she refused to save them.

Then there are the allegations that Hillary is owned by Wall Street because they paid to hear her speak.

And now we have the e-mail "scandal."

In every case there is just enough unanswered questions, or troubling details, to keep it going sometimes for year. But in the end.....nothing.

None of this garbage shouted from the rooftops by the Right Wing has ever panned out, and yet every single time there is a new "scandal" we are told "Sure the rest of those were all bullshit, but THIS one, this one is going to finally destroy Bill Obama Hillary completely." 

And don't even bother bringing up the FBI investigation.

Do you REALLY think that if the White House had any fear that Hillary would be indicted that they would not have intervened to derail her campaign by convincing Joe Biden to run, or pressured more Democratic politicians behind the scenes to endorse Bernie Sanders, or simply taken Bill and Hillary aside and said that for the good of the country she needed to drop out of the race?

Of course they would.

Look I get it Hillary Clinton has made some stupid mistakes in the past, and sometimes she plays a little fast and loose with the facts. Which politician doesn't?

But none of that really matter because this contest is now between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, and of the two she is by FAR the more qualified, honest, and competent person running for this office.

Hillary Clinton IS going to be the next President of the United States.

So y'all better get used to it.


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