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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Sarah Palin uses the blog that nobody visits to bring attention to sex trafficking. Wait, what?

Sarah Palin, taking a stand against the selling of sex.
Courtesy of Palin's ghostwritten ghost town of a blog: 

Sex trafficking for profit is the fastest-growing criminal activity in America today. Instead of honoring and protecting women and children, exploitative predators force them into prostitution, pornography, and slavery. A significant percentage of these are very young girls. How can hearts not be grieved by this terrible injustice? Friends, we are not powerless to help victims! Research this timely topic. The more we know, the more effectively we can act. 

Today, pray for the victims of trafficking. Support faith-based organizations dedicated to abolishing it. Let’s not pretend it isn’t here.

"Let's not pretend it isn't here." Okay, you first.

If memory serves me Sarah Palin did not show much sympathy for those accusing her husband of trafficking in sex.

From the book:

To escape reality, I zoned out and forced myself to think about things like grocery shopping, errands I needed to run, and calls I had to return. I just mentally removed myself from being at that place, in that situation, and with that person. I occupied my mind with mundane thoughts of everyday life. Believe me, I got no pleasure from the sexual act I entered into with the governor’s husband. 

As soon as he finished Todd acted as if nothing had happened. He asked for a wet washcloth with which to clean himself. I got it for him. When he got through, he tied a knot in the used condom, wrapped it in the washcloth and stuffed everything in one of his coat pockets. As he was going out the door, he said he would be in touch with me. In hindsight, I believe he was formulating plans for my future even as he zipped himself up that day. If I had known then what I know now, I would have avoided further contact with him like the plague.Instead, I was drawn deeper and deeper into what I came to realize too late was a path leading to my own destruction. Todd Palin was not the soft - spoken nice guy, friend of Bonnie, client of Shailey Tripp that he presented to the world. The reality was on the other side of my massage room door, he was a predator, and I was in his crosshairs.

In fact I believe she came out forcefully to defend the accused, and to claim that his accuser was lying.

Hey look I realize this is a case of She said, she said. But Shailey Tripp DID pass five different lie detector tests.

How many has Sarah Palin ever passed?


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