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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

White House loses communications director and on the same day releases a statement that sounds suspiciously like Trump bragging about himself.

Trump whispering to White House spokesperson Hope Hicks.
So today the White House communications director, Mike Dubke, quit: 

The White House communications director has resigned only three months after being hired by President Donald Trump.

This is rather big news as there has been talk for days about a shake up in the White House.

Then, suddenly, there was this off statement issued by spokeswoman Hope Hicks.

Courtesy of  WaPo: 

President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him. He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room of three or an arena of 30,000. He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect. He is brilliant with a great sense of humor … and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible.


Okay look maybe Hope Hicks is such an over the moon fangirl that she actually wrote this to describe some alternate reality in which she envisions Donald Trump having these attributes.

I mean I don't know the woman, so maybe.

But the thing is that it sounds very suspiciously like the kind of statement that Trump used to make about himself back in the 70's, 80's, and 90's while pretending to be his own spokesman.

Here is what he said as "John Miller" courtesy of the Daily Wire:

“Miller” bragged, “Actresses just call to see if they can go out with him and things.” Madonna “wanted to go out with him.” “Miller” boasted that despite living with Maples, Trump had “three other girlfriends.” “Miller” told Carswell why Trump supposedly dumped Maples for the Italian model Carla Bruni, asserting, “He really didn’t want to make a commitment. He’s coming out of a marriage, and he’s starting to do tremendously well financially.”

Both Carla Bruni and Madonna denied ever wanting anything to do with Trump.

Like I said maybe this Hope Hicks woman is just that smitten with the legend that is Doanld Trump, however evidence suggests that only one that smitten with Donald Trump is in fact Donald Trump.

All I know for sure is that the very fact that we suspect that it MIGHT be coming from Trump himself, means we are very, very far down that rabbit hole.  


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