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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Former Fox News contributor, or "hitman" as they were called, reveals how Roger Ailes REALLY described his cable news network behind the scenes.

This comes courtesy of Tobin Smith who worked as an on air contributor to Fox Business for 14 years. (Smith was fired after it was revealed that he engaged in stock fraud.)

Here is what Smith wrote about Roger Ailes and his "off the record" opinion of Fox over at Medium: 

“Toby . . . I created a TV network for people 55 to dead,” Ailes said. 

“What does our viewer look like? 

“They look like me…white guys in mostly Red State counties who sit on their couch with the remote in their hand all day and night.” 

“What do they want to see” 

“They want to see YOU tear those smug condescending know-it-all East Coast liberals to pieces . . limb by limb . . . until they jump up out of their LaZ boy and scream “Way to go Toby…you KILLED that libtard!” 

He did NOT tell me what he told Joan (who recently reported her brief one-time conversation in 2000) discussing a new more liberal show idea (as she shared in her recent article): 

“And Joan they don’t want to see anyone like you,” looking directly at my liberal friend . “They don’t want to see you — they don’t even want to know that you exist!”

(This of course refers to Joan Walsh, the National Affairs Correspondent for the Nation, and frequent guest on MSNBC.)

Here is how Tobin Smith describes what Ailes built:

 . . . he perpetrated the biggest TV scam ever . . . against the most vulnerable and gullible senior Americans . . . one that makes the game show fixing scandal of the late 50’s look like a tea party. 

By careful design and staging Fox News manipulated (and ultimately addicted) the most vulnerable people in America to the most powerful drug cocktail ever: Visceral gut feelings of outrage relieved by the most powerful emotions of all . . . the thrill of your tribe’s victory over its enemy and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.

You know those "debates" that take place on Fox shows between the host and a supposed progressive?

All bullshit.

The outcomes for Fox’s “panel debates” have ALWAYS been carefully fixed by the producers so that the home team (i.e, the conservative panelists like me) ALWAYS won.

So essentially it was always as we suspected. A cable news network that had virtually NO respect for its viewers, and manipulated their emotions on a daily basis in order to keep them tuned in and supporting their conservative agenda.

And they tapped into underlying feelings of misogyny, racism, and xenophobia to bait the hook.

Yeah, I think it is time that Fox News was no more.

How about you?


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