Check out Putin's body language.🇫🇷 Avec #Poutine à ses côtés, #Macron qualifie d'organes de propagande @sputnik_fr et @RTenfrancais, médias financés par le Kremlin— B3infos (@B3infos) May 29, 2017
Courtesy of the AP:Macron tears into Putin's sham propaganda machine, calling it what it is — while standing right next to Putin at a joint press conference— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) May 29, 2017
French President Emmanuel Macron has made an extraordinary attack on two Russian media outlets, saying they acted as “propaganda” organs during France’s election campaign.
Speaking at a news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, Macron accused the two outlets, Russia Today and Sputnik, of spreading fake news.
He said that’s why he banned their reporters from his campaign headquarters during the race for the French presidency, which he went on to win May 7.
Damn! Look at the set of balls on Macron!
You know it is not often that I feel jealous of France, but damn do I feel jealous of France.
I would give almost anything to have a man with that kind of courage and integrity leading our country.
Oh wait, we just had that.
(H/T to Democratic Underground.)