Trump also seemed to have trouble understanding what to call the White House.“Our military is at a level where it has never been before….The funding of our military was so important and so many military people are with us here today. Just think of $700 billion because that is all going into our military this year,” @POTUS tells crowd at White House— CBS News (@CBSNews) April 2, 2018
(Hint: It is both the name and the description of the building.)”House or building or whatever you wanna call it in tip top shape. We call it tippy top shape.” It’s called the White House. Then he rambles about spending on the military & how “great” the economy is. This is the Easter egg roll. Trump’s lost his mind.— Scott Dworkin (@funder) April 2, 2018
I do not know who is specifically in charge of choosing the costume for the White House Easter Bunny, but that whole "WTF is he saying?" expression this one wears while Trump blatantly lies about his administration's success. and stumbles around for the right word, is pure gold.
I did some checking and discovered that this is the same exact costume that the Easter Bunny wore for LAST year's White House Easter celebration.
See?Is anyone surprised?— The Blackest Heart (@TheReddestRose) April 17, 2017
Trump disappoints kids, screws up the national anthem at his first Easter egg roll
People are also still wondering who Trump forced to wear the costume.
Last year everybody was pretty sure it was Spicey.
So who do we think did the honors this year?Sean Spicer's humble beginnings as the White House Easter Bunny— jordan (@JordanUhl) March 3, 2017
My guess would be Eric Trump since nobody has even seen that guy in months, and he would probably do just about anything just to finally get noticed.