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Saturday, 18 June 2016

Bill Maher demonstrates how Donald Trump has desensitized the public to outrageous statements and actions.

Damn, not only is that hilarious, but it is also very true.

Donald Trump has made reality show histrionics, internet conspiracy theories, and a crippling lack of intelligence the new norm in American politics.

Of course Donald Trump did not clear a stumbling incoherent pathway to national politics on his own, first there was she who shall not be named.

Courtesy of New York magazine:  

Donald Trump appeared on the national political stage almost eight years ago. Only then he was called “Sarah Palin.”

Yeah, her. 

Remember how way back in 2009 I told you how dangerous she was?

Remember how I said she was the prime example of where politics was going in this country?

Man, sometimes I just hate to be right.

However it also appears that Trump shares Palin's penchant for self destruction.

So perhaps after the second time there is a massive flame out by a Republican candidate on the national political stage the GOP will finally pull their collective heads out of their asses.

Or completely self destruct.

Either way works for me.


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