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Monday, 3 April 2017

Jordan Loewe's father exposes the truth about Sarah Palin's violent out of control son.

Courtesy of Radar Online:

Sarah Palin has turned her back on her boozing and brawling son Track — even as he wages a vicious custody war with his baby mama over his infant son, can exclusively reveal. 

In fact, the 27-year-old terror’s violent temper has alienated everyone around him! 

“He’s hot-headed, he’s out of control and he has anger issues!” Matthew Loewe, the distraught father of Track’s baby mama, Jordan Loewe, told Radar. 

“He’s thrown stuff at Jordan, thrown rocks at Jordan — he’s even thrown stuff at her when she was holding their baby!” 

And despite being ordered to undergo a therapeutic program, Matthew says his behavior has done anything but improve since then. 

“From time that this all started and the cops getting involved, I have yet to hear that [Track] is doing any therapy or anything. (From what I heard Track NEVER went to any kind of therapy.)

If anything, Matthew said that Track’s gotten worse — even threatening his own parents when they tried to control his rage-fueled outbursts! 

“Track hates [his father] Todd,” according to Jordan’s dad. “Jordan and Track had an argument one night that it got so out of control she called… and they both came over. 

“He threatened to beat up his dad, saying, ‘Come on old man, you’re full of metal now.'” (So, NO snowmachine accident?)

Matthew also revealed that the former governor and her husband have washed their hands of their troubled son — and even warned their daughter to get away from him. 

“Before Jordan got pregnant, Todd told her, ‘I’d run if I were you,” Matthew revealed.

Jordan's father also claims that Todd and Sarah are estranged from Track and have cut ties with him, which I would interpret to mean that Track is no longer being cared for financially. 

However this seems to be after Palin paid Track's legal fees and kept him from going to jail and receiving the kind of help that he desperately needs.

Instead she pulled strings to allow him to escape justice yet again, and now she and her family live in fear of what he might do next. 

In some ways that seems like a kind of karma, but it is really too bad that others like Jordan and Britta Hanson have suffered due to their poor parenting.

Well it certainly appears that Mr. Jordan is not going to let a silly thing like a confidentially agreement keep him from telling the truth about that family of Wasillabillies.


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