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Friday, 17 March 2017

The Independent Network Charismatic is the new Moral Majority, and they have ties to Rick Perry, Sarah Palin and Donald Trump.

Courtesy of The Conversation:

INC Christianity is led by a network of popular independent religious entrepreneurs, often referred to as “apostles.” They have close ties, we found, to conservative U.S. politicians, including Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and more recently President Donald Trump. 

Charismatic Christians emphasize supernatural miracles and divine interventions, but INC Christianity is different from other charismatics – and other Christian denominations in general – in the following ways:
  • It is not focused primarily on building congregations but rather on spreading beliefs and practices through media, conferences and ministry schools. 
  • It is not so much about proselytizing to unbelievers as it is about transforming society through placing Christian believers in powerful positions in all sectors of society. 
  • It is organized as a network of independent leaders rather than as formally organized denominations.
INC Christianity is the fastest-growing Christian group in America and possibly around the world. Over the 40 years from 1970 to 2010, the number of regular attenders of Protestant churches as a whole shrunk by an average of .05 percent per year, while independent neo-charismatic congregations (a category in which INC groups reside) grew by an average of 3.24 percent per year. 

Its impact, however, is much greater than can be measured in church attendance. This is because INC Christianity is not centrally concerned with building congregations, but spreading beliefs and practices.

Apparently this group has been making millions through seminars, web sales, book sales, music sales, and DVD sales.

And they have been using that money to spread influence.

Most Christian groups in America have seen the role of the church as connecting individuals to God through the saving grace of Jesus and building congregations that provide communities of meaning and belonging through worship services. They also believe in serving and providing for the needs their local communities. Such traditional Christian groups believe that although the world can be improved, it will not be restored to God’s original plan (until Jesus comes back again to rule the Earth).

INC beliefs, however, are different – their leaders are not content simply to connect individuals to God and grow congregations. Most INC Christian groups we studied seek to bring heaven or God’s intended perfect society to Earth by placing “kingdom-minded people” in powerful positions at the top of all sectors of society. 

I will assume that at this point many of you are starting to get a familiar feeling as to where this is all going.

INC leaders have labeled them the “seven mountains of culture.” These include business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, family and religion. In this form of “trickle-down Christianity,” they believe if Christians rise to the top of all seven “mountains,” society will be completely transformed.


If you are not yet familiar with the Seven Mountains mandate, then you must be new here as we have talked about it multiple times.

In short:

Seven Mountains dominionism seeks to place Christians in control over the seven forces that shape and control our culture: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. The reason for this, as Lance Wallnau, the leading advocate for Seven Mountains theology, explained is that Jesus “doesn’t come back until He’s accomplished the dominion of nations.” And the way “dominion of nations” is accomplished is by having Christians gain control of these “seven mountains” in order to install a “virtual theocracy” overseen by “true apostles” who will fight Satan and his Antichrist agenda.

This same philosophy has turned up in a number of religious organizations, and was especially impactful during the Bush Administration.

Sarah Palin is of course an adherent as are many other highly placed politicians, many now it seems working for and with Donald Trump.

Now does the Muslim travel ban make a little more sense?

Currently we are seeing church attendance in America hitting all time lows, but this group does not care about congregations, their goal is to put true believers in positions of great power, and apparently they are succeeding.

So yes Sarah Palin maybe yesterday's news but those who helped to foist her upon us, are getting closer to their ultimate goal everyday.


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