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Thursday, 16 March 2017

Trump's Muslim travel ban banned. Again.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Hours before it was to take effect, President Donald Trump's revised travel ban was put on hold Wednesday by a federal judge in Hawaii after hearing arguments that the executive order discriminates on the basis of nationality. 

The ruling came as opponents renewed their legal challenges across the country, asking judges in three states to block the executive order that targets people from six predominantly Muslim countries. 

More than half a dozen states are trying to stop the ban, and federal courts in Maryland, Washington state and Hawaii heard arguments about whether it should be put into practice early Thursday. 

U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson decision prevents the executive order from going into effect, at least for now. Hawaii had requested a temporary restraining order. 

Hawaii also argued that the ban would prevent residents from receiving visits from relatives in the six countries covered by the order. The state says the ban would harm its tourism industry and the ability to recruit foreign students and workers.

As you might imagine this annoyed Orange Hitler to no end, and so he held another rally where he said this:  

“This ruling makes us look weak ― which, by the way, we no longer are, believe me. Just look at our borders,” Trump told a crowd at a campaign-style rally in Tennessee. “We are going to fight this terrible ruling. We’re going to take our case as far as it needs to go, including all the way up to the Supreme Court. We are going to win.” 

And this:

“It’s a watered-down version of the first one,” Trump said of his new ban. “And let me tell you something: I think we ought to go back to the first one and go all the way, which is what I wanted to do in the first place.” 

That sound you hear is every White House layer slamming their heads into the wall after hearing their client essentially make the case himself that this bill is essentially a watered down version of the first one, which his lawyers had argued it most certainly was not.

And if you remember Rudy Giuliani said this about that first travel ban: 

“When [Mr. Trump] first announced it, he said, ‘Muslim ban.’ He called me up. He said, ‘Put a commission together. Show me the right way to do it legally.’”

And those words were actually cited by the judge in Hawaii when he put the brakes on this latest version. 

I swear it's like watching the Keystone Kops run the White House.


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