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Friday, 25 November 2016

Married Louisiana Republican Christian politician starts sexting with teenage boy, but he is totally NOT gay. No really!

Courtesy of Towelroad:

In a lengthy new sit-down interview with WVUE, Yenni insists there was no sex involved and that he is not gay. 

“We had some off color texts,” said Yenni in the interview. 

“Did you mean what you wrote?”, asked the interviewer Lee Zurik. 

Replied Yenni: “Probably not, because nothing was acted upon. You know, there was… there was no sex, you know? Everybody thinks, oh, something sexual happened. But there was no sex. They think these things… they think things were acted upon. They think there was, you know…. this was over a period, you know, the total time frame, probably less than two weeks.” 

“So, if you’re not going to act out on it, why do it?”, asked Zurik. 

“Exactly what I ask myself every day,” said Yenni.

Man that has to be one of the most uncomfortable interviews that I have watched in quite awhile.

By the way let me help this poor slob answer that question as to why he did this.


It may or may not have happened, but that was definitely his intent.

And the sad part is that because of his religion, and because of his fear of rejection from his community, he is going to try and live his life denying who he truly is, and probably respond to any questions about his sexuality by trying to pass as much anti-gay legislation as he possibly can.


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