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Sunday, 8 January 2017

New Trump team strategy, hacks happen every election period and this one did not change the outcome.

Damn do I dislike this woman!

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Instead of focusing on the crux of the report — that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a multifaceted campaign aimed at helping Trump take the White House — members of the president-elect's team emphasized Russia's failure to actually disrupt the country's democracy and influence election results. 

Incoming Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday he thinks Trump accepts the findings of the intelligence community. 

"He is not denying that entities in Russia were behind this particular hacking campaign," Priebus told "Fox News Sunday." 

But, he alleged, that's not new. 

"It happens every election period," he said.

Okay that is simply not true.

But even if it were true it would not matter unless the people doing the hacking released that information out into the new media in order to benefit the candidate they wanted to win.

Here is more of Kellyanne's spin on this topic: 

She said foreign entities hacking the U.S. is not new and sought to pivot from discussing election meddling, alleging that under President Obama there have been hacks of the Department of Defense and Department of State. 

"Very concerning," she said of such cyber attacks on NBC's "Meet The Press," noting there was " very little punishment." Americans should know the country is "woefully unprepared for cybersecurity in the 21st century," she added. 

At the same time, she maintained that Russia's attempt to meddle in the presidential race had failed. 

"They did not succeed. They did not succeed to embarrassing this country on the world stage," she said. 

"They did not succeed in throwing the election to Donald Trump. That's very clear in this report."

As I have mentioned before that last part is not even mentioned in the report.

So to sum up the Trump team's talking points are, there is nothing new about this, it did not change the outcome of the election, and the news media is blowing this all out of proportion.

It may be a little challenging, but remember THESE are the REPUBLICANS, talking about RUSSIA.

Russia was the GOP's go to bogeyman for decades.

But now that they have actually undermined our democratic process we get, "Move on, nothing to see here."

And they are not alone, Trump voters seem to be in total agreement: 

“Sour grapes,” explained Bob Marino, 79, weighing in on the recent spycraft bombshell from the corner table of a local McDonald’s. 

“Sour grapes,” agreed Roger Noel, 65, sitting next to him. 

“Bunch of crybabies,” Reed Guidry, 64, offered from across the table. 

But Mr. Gubert came to a different conclusion. 

“If that’s what it took,” he said, “I’m glad they did it.”

And that is how America was taken over by a foreign government boys and girls.

NOT after a long and destructive world war, but with a few simply hacks, a compliant media, and a complacent electorate. 


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