Gee, look how cooperative Putin is, and how willing he is to work with America, now that his Manchurian candidate is in place.Pres.-elect Trump releases letter he received from Putin. "A very nice letter...his thoughts are so correct."— ABC News (@ABC) December 23, 2016
I'm sure that Trump was careful to respond in a dignified manner so as not to give the impression that he is a Putin fanboy.
Nope he might as well be wearing an "I Love Pootie" t-shirt and writing in his diary about how handsome he is on horseback.Trump: "A very nice letter from Vladimir Putin; his thoughts are so correct. I hope both sides are able to live up to these thoughts"— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) December 23, 2016
You know I think Benedict Arnold at least PRETENDED like he was not working for the British.
By the way in one of his press conferences Putin claims that "only Moscow" beleived in Trump's chances of winning. Gee I wonder why?
Courtesy of Reuters:
Putin dismissed suggestions Moscow had helped Trump to victory in any way however.
"It's not like that," he said. "All of this (the accusations) speaks of the current administration's systemic problems."
However right after saying that, Putin added this:
Putin, who spoke positively of Trump before his election win, said that only Moscow had believed in his victory however.
"Trump understood the mood of the people and kept going until the end, when nobody believed in him," Putin said, adding with a smile. "Except for you and me."
Wow, virtually every poll in the country suggested that Trump was going to lose, and that he was going to lose big, but Putin and his pals in Moscow were totally confident he was going to win?
Gee nothing at all suspicious about that, right?
In other parts of the news conference Putin launched scathing attacks against the Democrats sounding far more like a contributor to Breitbart than as the leader of a sovereign nation.
Which I am sure also means absolutely nothing.