Courtesy of the Trump Tramp's Facebook page:
Confession: I'm an Obama Admirer (Wait for it.)
It was nice to shake Obama's hand the other night and whisper a belated "thank you" for the courage and love of country he shows in this most important time. Our nation is at a crossroad; I wish we'd had more time to chat so I could further express appreciation (in the thankless position he's in!) for all his pro-America efforts at such a time as this. (Wait for it.)
Oh, sorry... not THAT Obama - this one - Barack's brother Malik who attended the Vegas debate in support of the anti-establishment, anti-#NeverTrump, independent, #AmericaFirstMovement candidate Donald Trump. (OMGD! That would be such a funny head fake if you were middle school kid being raised in a KKK household.) This pic shows Malik Obama and Dr. Ben Carson as we exited the debate's surreal hearing of the oft repeated, unrefuted, untruthful sound bites uttered on stage on behalf of the globalist agenda.
Wednesday night, Malik and I and others had been stuck outside in the remnants of campaign motorcades so had to walk in late to the UNLV arena. ("Remnants of campaign motorcades" is code for "Had to get our own taxi because Trump refused to pay our way.) Finally taking my seat - front row center, literally on the 50-yard line - we missed opening remarks. Didn't miss anything in the way of media predictability, though, as it was a given we couldn't rely one iota on the referees (the media) to level the playing field in coverage of this final debate. (I will spare you the link from Breitbart here.)
Friends, rest assured we can survive the crazy deception in this campaign, the question is - can America survive those who suppprt (sic)the deception? (Yeah I too am pretty confident that we can survive the deception from the Trump campaign and all of his trolls.And yes I think America will survive as well. As for the Republican party, well let's just say the jury is still out on that one.)
(At this point Palin shares one of those despicable fact free alt-right videos attacking the Clintons. Just to prove that she is quite happy wallowing in the mud with Alex Jones and Stephen Bannon. Which is exactly where she needs to be if she his aiming for her own time slot on Trump TV.)
Stay strong America! Its an exciting and empowering time - a whole new ballgame where we no longer rely on blinded referees but instead we level the field ourselves. (Wait, since when are blind referees leveling the ball fields? Don't they have a ground crew for that?) Do your own homework; demand campaign accountability; teach your kids that truth still matters; stiffen your spine, take action and keep the faith! ( I agree with everything except that last statement. But why do I feel we are talking about two entirely different "ballgames" here?)
Truth prevails. It's time to dance upon injustice! (WTF? Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug boys and girls.)
- Sarah Palin
Good lord. It's like she dredged the alt-right swamps for material and just plopped it on Facebook in the hopes that the smell would attract the attention of Donald Trump and his Hillary hating white nationalist buddies.
But if Palin wants to get invited into that testosterone drenched boy's club she might have to up her game a little.
For instance watch how Alex Jones, the man who seems to provide Donald Trump with his never ending string of conspiracy theories, responded to the debate on Wednesday.
Yeah maybe if she ate more piles of raw meat and washed it down with several more pots of coffee she could then reach that level of cardiac attack inducing unfettered rage.
Not that I don't think she has it in her, she does.
Confession: I'm an Obama Admirer (Wait for it.)
It was nice to shake Obama's hand the other night and whisper a belated "thank you" for the courage and love of country he shows in this most important time. Our nation is at a crossroad; I wish we'd had more time to chat so I could further express appreciation (in the thankless position he's in!) for all his pro-America efforts at such a time as this. (Wait for it.)
Oh, sorry... not THAT Obama - this one - Barack's brother Malik who attended the Vegas debate in support of the anti-establishment, anti-#NeverTrump, independent, #AmericaFirstMovement candidate Donald Trump. (OMGD! That would be such a funny head fake if you were middle school kid being raised in a KKK household.) This pic shows Malik Obama and Dr. Ben Carson as we exited the debate's surreal hearing of the oft repeated, unrefuted, untruthful sound bites uttered on stage on behalf of the globalist agenda.
Wednesday night, Malik and I and others had been stuck outside in the remnants of campaign motorcades so had to walk in late to the UNLV arena. ("Remnants of campaign motorcades" is code for "Had to get our own taxi because Trump refused to pay our way.) Finally taking my seat - front row center, literally on the 50-yard line - we missed opening remarks. Didn't miss anything in the way of media predictability, though, as it was a given we couldn't rely one iota on the referees (the media) to level the playing field in coverage of this final debate. (I will spare you the link from Breitbart here.)
Friends, rest assured we can survive the crazy deception in this campaign, the question is - can America survive those who suppprt (sic)the deception? (Yeah I too am pretty confident that we can survive the deception from the Trump campaign and all of his trolls.And yes I think America will survive as well. As for the Republican party, well let's just say the jury is still out on that one.)
(At this point Palin shares one of those despicable fact free alt-right videos attacking the Clintons. Just to prove that she is quite happy wallowing in the mud with Alex Jones and Stephen Bannon. Which is exactly where she needs to be if she his aiming for her own time slot on Trump TV.)
Stay strong America! Its an exciting and empowering time - a whole new ballgame where we no longer rely on blinded referees but instead we level the field ourselves. (Wait, since when are blind referees leveling the ball fields? Don't they have a ground crew for that?) Do your own homework; demand campaign accountability; teach your kids that truth still matters; stiffen your spine, take action and keep the faith! ( I agree with everything except that last statement. But why do I feel we are talking about two entirely different "ballgames" here?)
Truth prevails. It's time to dance upon injustice! (WTF? Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug boys and girls.)
- Sarah Palin
Good lord. It's like she dredged the alt-right swamps for material and just plopped it on Facebook in the hopes that the smell would attract the attention of Donald Trump and his Hillary hating white nationalist buddies.
But if Palin wants to get invited into that testosterone drenched boy's club she might have to up her game a little.
For instance watch how Alex Jones, the man who seems to provide Donald Trump with his never ending string of conspiracy theories, responded to the debate on Wednesday.
Yeah maybe if she ate more piles of raw meat and washed it down with several more pots of coffee she could then reach that level of cardiac attack inducing unfettered rage.
Not that I don't think she has it in her, she does.