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Friday, 21 October 2016

Hillary Clinton is the most sexually harassed woman in the country.

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

No woman has experienced sexual harassment en masse like Hillary Clinton during this presidential campaign. There’s no reason to think it will stop if she wins. 

It’s not just Donald Trump. Clinton haters broadcast their harassment on T-shirts, buttons, car bumpers. There are even billboards and dolls. She’s regularly called a bitch and a cunt. Told to smile more. To smile less. Her looks are constantly rated and found lacking. 

Clinton’s run for the presidency has unleashed a deep unease many people, men and women, feel about powerful women. Swirl that discomfort with the brazen misogyny of her opponent and his supporters, then top it off with decades of Hillary hate fueled by various conservative politicians and conspiracy theorists and the result is, well: Trump that Bitch.
You know we tend to think of Hillary Clinton as this incredible resilient and tough minded person who has been dealing with these attacks for the majority of her life and has grown a skin thick enough to protect her against anything.

But can anybody really become tough enough not to feel anything in response to these incredibly disgusting comments?

I would like think of myself as a hard ass, but I have to admit that if I had to face what Hillary faces on a daily basis I am not sure I could get myself out of bed some mornings.

We think that she is the toughest woman on the planet, but we forget that she was once somebody's little girl, is now somebody's mother, and also somebody's grandmother, and that underneath it all she is just a woman trying to plant her feet in a place always reserved for only men, and that for that reason alone she is facing a never ending barrage of hate that no woman, no man, no person, should ever have to face.

No we should not only support Hillary Clinton simply because she will be the first woman President.

But neither should she be vilified simply BECAUSE she will be the first woman President.


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