Here is more courtesy of The Daily Beast:
The intention of the panel, moderated by journalists including BuzzFeed’s Katherine Miller and MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell, was to gather six senior members of Team Hillary and six from the Trump camp, have them sit directly across the room facing one another, and have a calm, collected conversation about the behind-the-scenes moments of the 2016 race.
Instead, the moderators had trouble even keeping the panelists focused on the questions at hand, because the two sides would not stop sniping at and taunting their political rivals during the event.
“I would rather lose than win the way you guys did!” Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for Hillary for America, shot at the Trump team seated a few feet away.
“How exactly did we win, Jenn? How exactly?” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway fired back, noting that “I have a smile on my face at all times.”
Palmieri proceeded to bash the Trump campaign and its chief executive (and Breitbart News honcho) Stephen K. Bannon as a vehicle and emboldening power for America’s “white supremacists and white nationalists.”
“Are you gonna look me in the face and say I ran a campaign that was a platform for white supremacists?” Conway angrily responded.
Palmieri told her, plainly, yes.
“Are you kidding me?” Conway asked incredulously.
Not only is she not kidding, she is absolutely right. As anybody who paid attention to this election already knows.
In fact if it had been me on that stage I would have followed that up by reminding the Trump campaign that they could not have won without interference from the Russians and the FBI's James Comey, making their victory perhaps the most un-American "victory" in history.
While this Harvard debate is usually quite civil, reports that I heard this morning put much of the onus for it going off the rails on the Trump campaign folks, who apparently heckled CNN chief Jeff Zucker for the channel's supposedly biased Hillary reporting, and Nate Silver for getting his polling wrong.
This was one of Kellyanne Conway's shots at the Clinton campaign:
“Hashtag-he’s-your-president, how about that?” Conway told the frustrated and defeated Clinton crew. “We won.”
So yeah I think it was Trump's basket of deplorables once again demonstrating how they earned that title.
The intention of the panel, moderated by journalists including BuzzFeed’s Katherine Miller and MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell, was to gather six senior members of Team Hillary and six from the Trump camp, have them sit directly across the room facing one another, and have a calm, collected conversation about the behind-the-scenes moments of the 2016 race.
Instead, the moderators had trouble even keeping the panelists focused on the questions at hand, because the two sides would not stop sniping at and taunting their political rivals during the event.
“I would rather lose than win the way you guys did!” Jennifer Palmieri, the communications director for Hillary for America, shot at the Trump team seated a few feet away.
“How exactly did we win, Jenn? How exactly?” Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway fired back, noting that “I have a smile on my face at all times.”
Palmieri proceeded to bash the Trump campaign and its chief executive (and Breitbart News honcho) Stephen K. Bannon as a vehicle and emboldening power for America’s “white supremacists and white nationalists.”
“Are you gonna look me in the face and say I ran a campaign that was a platform for white supremacists?” Conway angrily responded.
Palmieri told her, plainly, yes.
“Are you kidding me?” Conway asked incredulously.
Not only is she not kidding, she is absolutely right. As anybody who paid attention to this election already knows.
In fact if it had been me on that stage I would have followed that up by reminding the Trump campaign that they could not have won without interference from the Russians and the FBI's James Comey, making their victory perhaps the most un-American "victory" in history.
While this Harvard debate is usually quite civil, reports that I heard this morning put much of the onus for it going off the rails on the Trump campaign folks, who apparently heckled CNN chief Jeff Zucker for the channel's supposedly biased Hillary reporting, and Nate Silver for getting his polling wrong.
This was one of Kellyanne Conway's shots at the Clinton campaign:
“Hashtag-he’s-your-president, how about that?” Conway told the frustrated and defeated Clinton crew. “We won.”
So yeah I think it was Trump's basket of deplorables once again demonstrating how they earned that title.