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Monday, 12 December 2016

Is the Trump transition team targeting members of the Energy Department who are working to save the planet? Kinda looks like it.

Courtesy of WaPo:  

Donald Trump’s transition team has issued a list of 74 questions for the Energy Department, asking agency officials to identify which employees and contractors have worked on forging an international climate pact as well as domestic efforts to cut the nation’s carbon output. 

The questionnaire requests a list of those individuals who have taken part in international climate talks over the past five years and “which programs within DOE are essential to meeting the goals of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan.

”Trump and his team have vowed to dismantle specific aspects of Obama’s climate policies, and Trump has questioned the reality of climate change. The questionnaire, which one Energy Department official described as unusually “intrusive” and a matter for departmental lawyers, has raised concern that the Trump transition team is trying to figure out how to target the people, including civil servants, who have helped implement policies under Obama.

Well it appears that Muslims and Mexicans are not the only groups that Trump wants identified and rounded up. It is also any scientists or Energy Department employees who might not be on board with raping the planet and ushering in a global climate Armageddon.

I am almost afraid to wake up tomorrow to find out about the next terrifying thing that Donald Trump is planning for our country.


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