You know if you are ever feeling ambiguous about what to believe when it comes to reporting on a certain topic, just wait until the Wasilla Wendigo weighs in and then you will know that the correct position is the opposite of whatever stupid thing she says.Russia's getting out of hand? So says the defeated. Not to worry... remember I can keep an eye on them from here.— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) December 12, 2016
Seriously, it never fails.
Actually Palin is a couple of beats behind here, as I reported yesterday the entire Right Wing propaganda machine has already decided to dismiss any facts that challenge Trump's presidency, and to attack anyone who points out that he had to have the Russians, Wikileaks, and the FBI help him to defeat a woman. (You know a woman, like the ones that he has demeaned and sexually assaulted all through his life.)
By the way speaking of "the defeated" how is life treating the woman who was once seriously considered to be a contender for the White House someday?