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Saturday, 9 April 2016

Hillary Clinton laughs off Right Wing fantasy that she will be jailed over e-mail "scandal."

Here is how Hillary Clinton responded to a question about a possible indictment over her e-mail server courtesy of People:  

"Oh my goodness! Matt, I know that they live in that world of fantasy and hope because they've got a mess on their hands on the Republican side," Clinton replied.

"That is not going to happen," she added of the possibility that she might ultimately be forced to take what Lauer called "some kind of political perp walk." 

"There is not even the remotest chance that it's going to happen." Clinton dismissed the FBI investigation into her use of a private email server as a "security review" that had become politicized because of her involvement. 

This is actually believed, not only by the Right Wing, but even by some of those supporting Bernie Sanders.

We have even had a few of them here on IM.

Even my own daughter has parroted Right Wing talking points about Hillary's trustworthiness and possible criminal activity.

You know the Rude Pundit addressed this very thing quite eloquently yesterday:

"The only reason you think Clinton is shady is because 25 years of conservative media shoved it down your throat. She's been accused and accused and investigated and investigated and guess what? Not a goddamn thing has ever come of it. It's all shit made up to damage her. If you keep saying over and over that someone did something wrong, did something wrong, did something wrong, but you never prove it, then you're just an asshole."


The conservatives created a cottage industry of making scurrilous, inflammatory claims about  Hillary Clinton, starting from her days as First Lady and extending through her stint as a New York Senator, then potential presidential nominee for the Democratic party in 2008, to her time as Secretary of State, and now once again as the potential presidential nominee for the Democratic party in 2016.

Those were seeds planted in the fertile soil of the conservative brain, and now those roots have spread to infect the minds of those who have no reason to dislike or distrust Hillary Clinton but do so only because they have been conditioned to do so.

That is what her campaign faces going forward, not an actual indictment for wrong doing, but only the expect ion that such an indictment is always just around the corner.


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