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Sunday, 18 December 2016

Here is the final election vote tally.

I confirmed these numbers over at the Cook Report. They are only off by a small handful, not enough to make much of a difference.

Using either set of numbers it appears that Hillary Clinton lost this election with a lead of just slightly under 2,865,000 votes.

And I mean JUST under. 

As Donald Trump would say, "That is unpresidented."

But what it really means that just a handful less than 3 million more people voted for Hillary Clinton than voted for the Orange stubby fingered Orangutan. 

In other words Trump has no mandate, and in fact if there is any mandate at all it is to fight him every step of the way and make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

Oh and one more thing, since the combined totals for Stein and Johnson are just shy of 6 million votes, more than enough to have kept Trump out of the White House, perhaps these childish amateurs who selfishly vote third party will finally recognize how important it is to participate in the REAL election process.

A lesson by the way that most Americans should have learned way back in 2000.


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