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Monday, 8 May 2017

Actor Stephen Fry is being investigated for blasphemy in Ireland for calling God a "maniac." Okay this is still 2017, right?

Courtesy of The Independent:

Stephen Fry is being investigated by Irish police over blasphemy claims more than two years after his outspoken comments about God on RTE's The Meaning of Life went viral. 

Mr Fry described a hypothetical creator as “stupid” and an “utter maniac” for designing a world filled with undue suffering. 

Asked in 2015 by the programme's host, Gay Byrne, what he would say to God if he arrived at the pearly gates of heaven, the actor and author replied: “I’d say, bone cancer in children? What’s that about?” 

The committed atheist added: “How dare you? How dare you create a world to which there is such misery that is not our fault? It’s not right, it’s utterly, utterly evil. 

“Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid god who creates a world that is so full of injustice and pain? “We have to spend our life on our knees thanking him? What kind of god would do that? 

“The god who created this universe, if it was created by god, is quite clearly a maniac, an utter maniac, totally selfish.” 

A Gardai spokeswoman told The Independent: “We're not commenting on an ongoing investigation.”

I have seen some version of this video over a dozen times, and I still LOVE it.

What a wonderful response to a stupid question.

Keep in mind this is not happening in Saudi Arabia or Iran, this is happening in freaking Ireland, a place that I think most of us believed to be here with us in the 21st century.

Apparently it also a place where one can be punished for daring to speak ill of a imaginary being.


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