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Monday, 8 May 2017

The Sally Yates Senate Testimony Open Thread.

Trump has already started to do damage control ahead of this testimony, here is his tweet from this morning which he found so nice he posted it twice.
A good place to remind people that if somebody had not leaked this information that Michael Flynn might very well still be Trump's National Security adviser.

Whoever leaked that information is a national hero.

And here is the White House strategy according to Axios
  1. Brand Yates as a Democratic operative who was out to get Trump from the beginning and willing to torque the facts to advance her agenda; 
  2. Put as much distance as possible between Flynn and the man whose side he rarely left during the campaign (which could be a tall order.) 
  3. Portray Flynn, and no one else, as responsible for this mess.
Portraying Yates as a Democratic operative may turn out to be a challenge since she cut her teeth by prosecuting both conservatives and liberals.

Trump's troll army has already started questioning her ethics, politics, and intelligence.

I imagine it will only get worse from there.


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