By the way there is also this Trump quote that was apparently removed by WaPo before the story was published:Never saw much reporting on Ivanka's response to Trump saying he wanted to date her: "If he wasn't my father, I would spray him with Mace."— Sarah Kendzior (@sarahkendzior) November 24, 2016
Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen wrote that President-elect Donald Trump once asked, “Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?” — but the quote was quietly removed before the syndicated column was published Tuesday.
Trump was reportedly referring to his daughter, Ivanka, who was 13 years old at the time.
The quote was circulated Monday in a draft of Cohen’s piece “Our Next President, The Godfather” that was sent to outlets that syndicate the column, a source told BuzzFeed News. The quote did not appear in the later, final version of the piece carried by the Post and other outlets.
Jesus! And this pussy grabbing possible pedophile is who this country just allowed to win a presidential election.
Good job America!
Just when the rest of the world had started to respect is again.