Courtesy of USA Today:
Presidential nominees weigh a variety of factors when selecting their running mates, not the least of which is the ability to boost the ticket's chances of winning in November. So among the plausible vice presidential choices this year, who would help Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump the most?
In a Monmouth University Poll out Thursday, six potential running mate choices from each party were gauged to see how much they would help — or hurt — their party's prospects. While a lack of name recognition is a significant factor for many, a couple of notable findings emerged.
Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, would seem to be a drag on Trump's chances should he pick her to once again be on the Republican ticket.
Among the 803 registered voters polled, 42% said they would be less likely to vote for the real estate mogul with Palin as his running mate, compared to only 13% who said they'd be more likely to.
I checked the poll myself and found the following about possible VP choices:
Newt Gingrich-
More likely to vote for Trump: 24%
Less likely: 26%
Chris Christie-
More likely: 20%
Less likely: 28%
Marco Rubio-
More likely: 27%
Less likely: 20%
Joni Ernst-
More likely: 7%
Less likely: 15%
As you can see only Marco Rubio actually helps Trump more than he hurts Trump.
But if he really wants to lose this thing, and there are a number of people saying that he does not actually want to be the President, then adding Sarah Palin to the ticket will certainly help Trump to do just that.
What's even more convenient is that he can simply turn around and blame his loss on her.
And true or not pretty much everybody in the country would be happy to agree with him.

Presidential nominees weigh a variety of factors when selecting their running mates, not the least of which is the ability to boost the ticket's chances of winning in November. So among the plausible vice presidential choices this year, who would help Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump the most?
In a Monmouth University Poll out Thursday, six potential running mate choices from each party were gauged to see how much they would help — or hurt — their party's prospects. While a lack of name recognition is a significant factor for many, a couple of notable findings emerged.
Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, would seem to be a drag on Trump's chances should he pick her to once again be on the Republican ticket.
Among the 803 registered voters polled, 42% said they would be less likely to vote for the real estate mogul with Palin as his running mate, compared to only 13% who said they'd be more likely to.
I checked the poll myself and found the following about possible VP choices:
Newt Gingrich-
More likely to vote for Trump: 24%
Less likely: 26%
Chris Christie-
More likely: 20%
Less likely: 28%
Marco Rubio-
More likely: 27%
Less likely: 20%
Joni Ernst-
More likely: 7%
Less likely: 15%
As you can see only Marco Rubio actually helps Trump more than he hurts Trump.
But if he really wants to lose this thing, and there are a number of people saying that he does not actually want to be the President, then adding Sarah Palin to the ticket will certainly help Trump to do just that.
What's even more convenient is that he can simply turn around and blame his loss on her.
And true or not pretty much everybody in the country would be happy to agree with him.