Look I can't be manipulated, threatened, or bought. Who do you think I am, Donald Trump? |
President Barack Obama has ordered a "full review" of hacking-relating activity aimed at disrupting last month's presidential election and he expects that report before he leaves office on Jan. 20, a top White House official said Friday.
“We may be crossed into a new threshold and it is incumbent upon us to take stock of that, to review, to conduct some after-action, to understand what this means, what has happened and to impart those lessons learned," Obama counterterrorism and homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco told reporters at a breakfast arranged by the Christian Science Monitor.
U.S. intelligence officials have blamed the Russian government for pre-election hacking of Democratic officials and political committees. Several Democratic senators have asked Obama to declassify more details about the attacks and why the U.S. concluded the Russians were behind them.
Now, now we are getting somewhere.
And it's a good thing that President Obama is pressuring Homeland Security to fast track this investigation because we can essentially guarantee that Trump will put the brakes on it once he takes office.
Why you might ask?
Totally non-homoerotic photoshop of Trump riding bitch behind his puppet master Vladimir Putin. |
Source http://ift.tt/2hvKjO9