I'm sorry, what documents are we talking about here? |
Republican National Committee employees have been asked to preserve all documents related to last year’s presidential campaign — a step RNC lawyers describe as precautionary, but necessary, as investigations continue into Russia’s meddling in the election.
“Given the important role that the RNC plays in national elections and the potentially expansive scope of the inquiries and investigations, it is possible that we will be contacted with requests for information,” reads a July 28 memo to staff from the RNC counsel’s office.
"Therefore, we must preserve all documents potentially relevant to these matters until they are resolved or until we are informed by all necessary parties that preservation is no longer necessary."
BuzzFeed News obtained a copy of the memo, which orders employees not to “delete, destroy, modify, or remove from your paper files, laptop computer, desktop computer, tablet, mobile device, e-mail, or any storage system or device, any documents, records, or other materials that relate to the 2016 presidential election or that may relate to any investigation concerning the election.” An RNC source confirmed the memo’s authenticity Monday morning.
The memo went on to say that the RNC had not yet been contacted (Really?) but that they needed to prepare for that possibility by preserving potentially relevant materials.
So I have a couple of thoughts.
My first one was, well good for the RNC for being so responsible.
Then I had a second thought that since these were Republicans we were talking about perhaps memos like this were actually written as a warning to shred everything immediately couched in some kind of conservative opposite speak.
That was followed by my third thought which was that perhaps the RNC knew they had documents that could be beneficial to the investigation and this memo was their way of getting the investigator's attention and letting them know to it.
After all the Donald Trump presidency is not only a cancer on the colon of this country, he is also a significant danger to the survival of the Republican party.
Well whatever the reason, I think the Robert Mueller and his staff may want to make a visit to the RNC post haste. Before the Trump supporters get a chance to burn the place down.
Source http://ift.tt/2tZKnAH