Courtesy of New York Magazine:#Trump today in #Naples ripping through a pair of white gloves says his hands were too big needs bigger gloves— Strategic Sentinel (@StratSentinel) September 14, 2017
President Trump, who’s been dealing with smart alecks making fun of his gerbil hands since he was a fixture in Spy magazine, made a show of not being able to fit into a pair of rubber gloves on Thursday, the second time he’s done so in as many weeks.
During his trip to hurricane-ravaged Naples, Florida, Trump, along with the First Lady, vice-president, and others, passed out lunch to people working to clean up the coastal town. According to the White House pool report, Trump positioned himself behind a tray of sandwiches, where he attempted to put on a pair of rubber gloves. He struggled to fit them over his mitts, declaring, “They’re too small.” After the glove on his right hand ripped, Trump decided to recommend hoagies rather than actually pass them out.
“Here’s a nice one,” he told one diner.
This is the second time while standing amid the destruction left by Mother Nature that Trump attempted to vindicate himself against the now 27 year old charge made by Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter that he is a "short fingered vulgarian."
Apparenlty the "vulgarian" part never bothered him at all.
You may remember the first time this same happened in Texas earlier in the month.
Keep in mind that in both of these cases Trump was supposed to be faking compassion and at least pretending to help people whose lives had just been devastated, and yet he cannot help but make everything about him.As he puts on plastic gloves to serve food at NRG Stadium...President Trump turns to press and says: "My hands are too big!"— Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) September 2, 2017