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Saturday, 17 September 2016

Woman getting knocked out by Trump supporter inspires political advertisement.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Shirley Teter, the 69-year-old woman who was attacked outside a Donald Trump campaign rally earlier this week, recalled the incident in a video released by on Thursday. 

“I feel sad where our country is being led,” she said in the video. 

Teter was filmed earlier this week after being punched by a man identified as Richard Campbell after arguing with him at the event in Asheville, North Carolina. Police are still looking for Campbell. 

“Belted me in the jaw, knocked me out for a few seconds,” she recalled. “I was on the ground.”

Yet another peek into Donald Trump's America.

So it is not only Doanld Trump's own words that make great political ads against him, it is also the words and actions of his "basket of deplorables."


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