Oops, you caught me. |
The Obama administration on Friday officially accused Russia of attempting to interfere in the 2016 elections, including by hacking the computers of the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations.
The denunciation, made by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Homeland Security, came as pressure was growing from within the administration and some lawmakers to publicly name Moscow and hold it accountable for actions apparently aimed at sowing discord around the election.
“The U.S. Intelligence Community is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from U.S. persons and institutions, including from U.S. political organizations,” said a joint statement from the two agencies. “. . . These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.”
The public finger-pointing was welcomed by senior Democratic and Republican lawmakers, who also said they now expect the administration to move to punish the Kremlin as part of an effort to deter further acts by its hackers.
Not exactly breaking news to most of us that Russia has been using Wikileaks to steal this election away from Hillary Clinton, but it's good that it is finally official so that Doanld Trump and his surrogates can stop acting as if it was just some "400 pound guy" in his mother's basement that did all the hacking.
By the way I think that it is worth noting again that all of this is COMPLETELY unprecedented.
And keep in mind that the Russians are just the latest to jump on the "Stop Hillary Clinton" bandwagon.
Before them the conservatives created a cottage industry of anti-Hillary books, movies, and National Enquirer articles, that all attempted to destroy this woman's reputation so that she could never occupy the White House again.
Hell the NRA has spent over 22 million to defeat Hillary in this election cycle, and that is actually more than either Donald Trump or the RNC.
I don't think that the combined military forces in the movie "Independence Day" worked this hard to repel the alien invasion.
It begs the question, "Just what in the hell are they so afraid of?"
It certainly is not the destruction of America, because there is no way that the Russians would be working to prevent that.
And Wikileaks is essentially a group of anarchist hoping for the end of the status quo.
So what they seem to fear, and this includes the Republicans, is competence, and the ability to get the job done.
This has nothing to do with criminality, or dishonesty, or emails, this is about the fear that Hillary Clinton can get shit done.
And the shit she will get done scares the hell out of the Republicans, the NRA, Wikileaks, and Russia.
Personally I cannot think of a BETTER reason to vote for her.
Source http://ift.tt/2dY9nLL