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Saturday, 29 October 2016

Do you want to see Sarah Palin essentially spinning out of control in response to this new information about the FBI investigation? Sure you do.

Courtesy of the Psyche Ward's Poster Girl's Facebook page:  

My, what a tangled web they weave. 

Hillary's right hand man, Huma, now swallowed up in democrats' dangerous State Secrets scandal. Tip of the Huma iceberg reveals evidence destroyed and subpoenas ignored; Huma-husband sextings; Huma-resume proving unconventional Muslim sympathies; Huma-family business locale with dots connecting Osama Bin Laden's brother... Oh brother. There's much more. Stay tuned. And don't let liberal media pretend there's no "there" there, on this one.

Holy shitballs!

You know when I worked in a day treatment facility a psychotic break like this usually meant it was time to get out the tranq gun and start clearing away the furniture.

I can almost picture Palin stalking back and forth while she shouts at Piper in barely comprehensible partial sentences that this time they have Hillary right where they want her, and finally the voters will have no choice but to vote for her orange tinged Don Juan, with his stubby fingers and spider web hair.

'They dared to mock me, deride me, and call me a has been, well where is their laughter now? Because as God is my witness I'll never be a broken down has been again!"

Wanna bet?

As I wrote down below this is really only going to give the Republicans a few days to exaggerate this nothing burger and try to make something politically valuable out of it.

Already James Comey is in hot water for ignoring protocols and defying the advice of the DOJ in releasing this information, and news agencies are already finding that there is not only no smoking gun, but not even that much smoke.

Like everything around Clinton this initially always looks bad, but once you dive in, if I may borrow the Sarah Palin phrase that she borrowed from someone else, there is really no there there.

So by sometime next week this will no longer be a story, and by November 8th Hillary Clinton will be our next President.

However Sarah Palin will still be a broken down has been who everybody will continue to mock.


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