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Monday, 5 September 2016

The majority of Americans do not believe Donald Trump's BS about a border wall.

Courtesy of ABC News: 

ABC News together with our partners at SSRS survey research firm asked our online opinion panel if they believed Trump would be able to get Mexico to pay for building a wall along the U.S. southern border.

Seventy-eight percent said they believed Trump could not deliver on this promise, while 13 percent said he could. 

Asked to give a one-word response to a video of one part of Trump's highly anticipated immigration speech last week, 67 percent reacted with a negative word, such as “ridiculous” and “disgusting.” Just 27 percent responded with a positive word, such as “great” and “agree.”

I wonder if that 78% also realizes that Trump is full of horse pucky when it comes to the reason why he will not release his tax returns?

Courtesy of Think Progress:

It’s worth noting that the existence of an audit, according to the IRS, does not preclude the release of tax returns. In fact, it actually makes the release of returns less risky. The primary issue with making your tax returns public is triggering an audit. Trump doesn’t have to be worried about that. 

But there is a bigger problem with the Trump campaign’s argument that all his returns are under audit: It’s not true. 

The truth is disclosed in a letter from his accountants that was published to the Trump campaign website in March. It reveals that Trump’s returns from 2008 and prior are not under audit and have been “administratively closed” by the IRS.

So when Trump and his campaign staff say they are not releasing his taxes because they are under audit, that’s not true. None of his taxes from 2008 or prior are currently under audit, and yet Trump still hasn’t released those returns.

So for those of you who have recently been in a coma, Donald Trump essentially lies about EVERYTHING.

And it appears that perhaps the American voters are coming to recognize that fact.



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