You might want to sit down for this one.
Courtesy of the Harlot Quim's Facebook page:
It may be tiresome to hear my repetitive warnings about the USA being shackled to the UN (Boy ain't that the truth!), but what I've said for years bears repeating. (No, not really.)We have not the money nor should we have the inclination to continue funding this Globalist circus that counters our best interest, ultimately endangering us and our allies. (Say what?)
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another... (Oooh, plagiarizing the Declaration of Independence. Bad form.)
The UK knew - it was that time. (And just look what it to their economy.) And now is that time in the USA.
The Brexit referendum is akin to our own Declaration of Independence. (Oh God, somebody gives this poor idiot a history lesson.) May that refreshed spirit of sovereignty spread over the pond to America's shores! (Sarah Palin, why do you hate America?)
Congratulations, smart Brits. Good on you for ignoring all the fear mongering from special interest globalists who tend to aim for that apocalyptic One World Government (Ah, she's channeling Alex Jones again.) that dissolves a nation's self-determination and sovereignty... the EU being a One World Government mini-me.
America can learn an encouraging lesson from this. (Yeah, don't fucking do it.)
It is time to dissolve political bands that connect us to agendas not in our best interest. May UN shackles be next on the chopping block.
- Sarah Palin
You know reading this is kind of like taking a taxi ride with a driver all amped up on methamphetamine. Only there are more sharp turns and sudden stops.
I find it more than a little interesting that the UN was originally created, with full support from the US just so you know, as a way to unite the world against the next Hitler like dictator who might rise to power and endanger the stability of the planet.
Yet now that we have our own Hitler like figure attempting to gain control over the country and spread anarchy through the world, he and his minions see it as job one to undermine, if not destroy, the very agency created to stop that from happening.
Donald Trump, and his groupie Sarah Palin, want to do away with the UN because they see it as an obstruction to their vision of the future.
And that should be something that terrifies us all.

Courtesy of the Harlot Quim's Facebook page:
It may be tiresome to hear my repetitive warnings about the USA being shackled to the UN (Boy ain't that the truth!), but what I've said for years bears repeating. (No, not really.)We have not the money nor should we have the inclination to continue funding this Globalist circus that counters our best interest, ultimately endangering us and our allies. (Say what?)
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another... (Oooh, plagiarizing the Declaration of Independence. Bad form.)
The UK knew - it was that time. (And just look what it to their economy.) And now is that time in the USA.
The Brexit referendum is akin to our own Declaration of Independence. (Oh God, somebody gives this poor idiot a history lesson.) May that refreshed spirit of sovereignty spread over the pond to America's shores! (Sarah Palin, why do you hate America?)
Congratulations, smart Brits. Good on you for ignoring all the fear mongering from special interest globalists who tend to aim for that apocalyptic One World Government (Ah, she's channeling Alex Jones again.) that dissolves a nation's self-determination and sovereignty... the EU being a One World Government mini-me.
America can learn an encouraging lesson from this. (Yeah, don't fucking do it.)
It is time to dissolve political bands that connect us to agendas not in our best interest. May UN shackles be next on the chopping block.
- Sarah Palin
You know reading this is kind of like taking a taxi ride with a driver all amped up on methamphetamine. Only there are more sharp turns and sudden stops.
I find it more than a little interesting that the UN was originally created, with full support from the US just so you know, as a way to unite the world against the next Hitler like dictator who might rise to power and endanger the stability of the planet.
Yet now that we have our own Hitler like figure attempting to gain control over the country and spread anarchy through the world, he and his minions see it as job one to undermine, if not destroy, the very agency created to stop that from happening.
Donald Trump, and his groupie Sarah Palin, want to do away with the UN because they see it as an obstruction to their vision of the future.
And that should be something that terrifies us all.