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Monday, 5 September 2016

President Obama weighs in on the Colin Kaepernick kerfuffle essentially agreeing with his right to protest. Right Wing freak out in 3..2..1

Courtesy of Mediaite:

“I think there are a lot of ways you can do it, as a general matter when it comes to the flag and the National Anthem and the meaning that that holds for our men and women in uniform and those who fought for us, that is a tough thing for them to get past to then hear what his deeper concerns are,” Obama said. 

“But I don’t doubt his sincerity based on what I’ve heard,” he continued. “I think he cares about some real legitimate issues that have to be talked about. If nothing else what he’s done is he’s generated more conversation around some topics that need to be talked about.”

A reasonable measured response that defends Kaepernick's 1st Amendment right to free speech and suggests that he is bringing up issues that the American people need to be talking about.

Oh yeah the Right Wing is going to lose their minds over this.

In other news Kaepernick now has the number one selling jersey.

Just when you were wondering what to buy your football loving conservative racist uncle.


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