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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Joe Scarborough's "Amnesty Don" song. Is this what caused Trump to double down with his anti-immigrant rhetoric during his speech last night?

Courtesy of Salon: 

“Morning Joe” namesake Joe Scarborough on Wednesday put out a song called “Amnesty Don” mocking GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. The song makes light of Trump’s self-described “softening” on his primary promise to deport 11 million illegal immigrants. 

The song and accompanying lyric video — on Scarborough’s Facebook page — conveniently dropped just hours before Trump is scheduled to meet with Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto in Mexico City. And on Wednesday evening, Trump will further define his immigration policy during a rally in Phoenix.

Okay so like the article says this song started to make the rounds on the internet yesterday morning and continued throughout the day.

It is conceivable that Trump, who was on his way to Mexico earlier may not have heard it until after he met with President Nieto.

Which makes one wonder if THAT might not have triggered Trump into going full KKK rally last night in Arizona.

That is really not such a crazy theory considering how aggressive his Twitter war has been with Scarborough in the past.
And if that is true, perhaps it also underlines how easy it is to manipulate Donald Trump and make him your bitch.

Something of which I imagine Vladimir Putin is all too aware.


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